Package 'pQTLdata'

Title: A Collection of Proteome Panels and Metadata
Description: It aggregates protein panel data and metadata for protein quantitative trait locus (pQTL) analysis using 'pQTLtools' (<>). The package includes data from affinity-based panels such as 'Olink' (<>) and 'SomaScan' (<>), as well as mass spectrometry-based panels from 'CellCarta' (<>), 'Seer' (<>) and 'SWATH-MS' (<doi:10.15252/msb.20178126>). The metadata encompasses updated annotations and publication details.
Authors: Jing Hua Zhao [aut, cre] (<>, 0000-0003-4930-3582), Uwe Ligges [ctb], Benjamin Altmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Jing Hua Zhao <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.6
Built: 2025-03-15 19:16:21 UTC

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